September 2005 Meeting
If you missed the September meeting you missed a real show. Dave Hout, a real live T. V. personality, was on hand to demonstrate his talents. Dave turned a wood bowl and talked in detail about vacuum pumps and chucks. However, the topic of interest for many of us was the wealth of information he passed on about metal spinning. | |
is in a rush to turn ornaments! That is good because we are running
behind. Thanks to everyone who has brought ornaments. The October
meeting will be the last meeting before we decorate the tree.
I can’t pass up the opportunity to point out the tree topper. It was turned by Lawrence Thomas and made of Walnut and Corian. |
Now here is a bowl that is really different. Jerry Osmundson turned this piece from Wormy Pecan. The worms didn’t leave much but Jerry did a masterful job with what they left. | Nevin Newton never tires of the challenge presented by segmented vessels. Each one is different and Nevin can tell you how many pieces there are in every masterpiece. |
Maurice Claubough always brings in something nice to show. These bark-edge bowls are fine examples. | This nice collection of pieces was turned by Lawrence Thomas. Desert Ironwood, Pecan, Chinaberry and who knows how many different woods he used. Lawrence never runs out of new ideas and he turns them into treasures. |
Harold Hall brought in a good variety of items to show. Notice the ornaments of multi-color dyed wood. In addition, Harold turned a nice bark-edge bowl and made one of his antler letter opener sets with a nice Cherry base. | |
Thanks to James Armstrong for the pictures and captions. We appreciate James for the time he puts into providing the pictures each month. |