August 2005

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We all have our favorite pieces to turn. Some people enjoy bowls, platters, vases or art. Jerry Osmundson loves to turn a lot of things but boxes are his real specialty and if you saw his demonstration for the August meeting you know that Jerry is good at it. He shared a wealth of knowledge with us, not only on how to turn boxes, but also ideas on embellishing them.

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Jerry brought in some examples from his collection of turned boxes.

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Judy Osmundson displayed three examples of her turning talent. She brought in a nice lamp, a lazy Susan and a fabulous tree Ornament. We hope to see more of her work soon.

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Bill Cleage turned two small "cup" vessels from Pecan. In addition, Bill brought in his favorites – two really nice canes made from South Alabama Pecan. One has a handle fashioned from Walnut with a Mexican Rosewood collar. While the other has a Magnolia handle and trimmed with a Macassar Ebony collar. Here are two really nice pieces brought in by Lincoln Gaborik. The one on the left is spalted Hackberry. Lincoln enhanced the spalted Oak piece on the right with some added color.

Sometimes you just run across that perfect piece of wood. Moody Davis rescued this conversation piece from a pile of firewood. What a nice piece of Walnut. Sometimes it’s what’s not there that makes a piece special!

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Thanks to everyone who brought in ornaments for our annual tree. Work fast because ornaments are due by the October meeting.
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Look at the spalting in this piece! Will Pate brought in this spalted winged bowl that he turned from a piece of Hackberry.

Maurice Claubaugh usually brings more than one piece for show and tell. This month was no exception. He turned the deep vessel from a piece of Red Oak burl. The bowls are turned from Red Bud and Zapata and all the pieces are bark-edged with a satin smooth finish

This nice bark-edge piece was turned by Bill Hubbard.  It is a colorful piece. Made of Oak burl, it is nicely turned and finished on both the inside and out.

Thanks to James Armstrong for the pictures and captions